San Sebastian's Sweet Chestnuts

Roasted chestnuts in San Sebastian

The days are getting shorter, the jumpers are on and the burnt colours of Autumn are setting in. This means one thing, It's Sweet Chestnut time, a total nutty treat!

Strolling the city, late afternoon at dusk in there it is WHAM BAM! That absolutely gorgeous wintery smell of chestnuts roasting. The same city spots and the same sellers, wrapped up warm, sat in front of the roaster, cheeks flushed phrooarrrr I love this time of the year.

For a 3€ you have a cone of buttery, soft, freshly, roasted chestnuts to warm those fingers and those tummys and the cosiness of winter comes flooding back..

It's a simple pleasure that encapsulates the total essence of autumn in San Sebastian.


Now for a little history into the humble castaña..

Sweet chestnuts have a long history in San Sebastian and the Basque Country. The sweet chestnut tree, native to this stunning region, has been a source of sustenance for centuries. Historically, chestnuts served as a crucial staple during times of scarcity. They were roasted, boiled, or ground into flour for a variety of dishes, making them a very important food for locals.

Sweet chestnut tree


San Sebastian's renowned chefs also embrace the sweet chestnut, incorporating it into their innovative dishes. From chestnut-infused, delicious puddings to hearty stews, this little nut finds its way into the city's culinary scene, adding a nutty twist to traditional Basque flavours.

sweet chestnuts lining the forest floor


So, the next time you find yourself in San Sebastian during the Autumn, be sure to savor the nutty delight of sweet chestnuts, a true taste of the season in this coastal gem of a city.

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